• You need Hypercard 2.0 or later to run the stack. The "Hypercard Player" included with most macs is all you need.
• If you have an earlier version of HC, many universities have a site license - check with your computer office.
• Hypercard 2.0 requires at least 2 MB RAM - you probably won't be able to run this stack on a mac plus unless you have upgraded the memory.
• The stack includes documentation to help you get started.
**** version 1.4 notes Aug 30, 1993
• spaces used on the grading prefs card were treated as zeros - this "feature" has been eliminated. You have to use numbers, or blanks.
• you may assign students grades of "M" (missing). "M" scores will show up a student's missing scores list, and count as zeros for averaging purposes.
-- this was the "X" score in v1.3
• you may also assign grades of "X". These scores will not show up on the student's missing score list, and will not be considered in averages.
**** version 1.5 notes Sept 4, 1993
• fixed a bug in the "complete student report" option on the print card.
• fixed the "Table Template" report format for stylewriters and laserwriters. Replaced by "table template II"
• The Gradebook Stack is shareware. It was developed by an amateur programmer and has been made available as an alternative to expensive commercial software.
If you decide to use the Gradebook Stack to keep track of a class, you should send $15 (not a lot!) to register your copy. Send payment to:
Jim Witte
1831 Valley Rd. Apt. D
Champaign, IL 61820
Internet email: jwitte@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu
A 25 page manual is available to registered users for $5. It contains lots of hints and tips, and fully documents every feature of the program.
Distribution rights: You may pass on the Gradebook Stack to friends or BBS's as long as the software and documentation are not altered, and all files are included. You may not sell the program, nor may you charge for copying.